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Monday, February 4, 2019

Rhode Island White Chicken

Introducing the bird of the week
Rhode Island White Chickens

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Rhode Island White Chickens Details

Thought very similar, Rhode Island Whites are a completely different breed from their more popular counterpart, the Rhode Island Red. They do both originate in the state of Rhode Island, but the Rhode Island White was developed 50 years later. 

Rhode Island White Chickens are hardy and even-tempered birds. They are all white with bright red wattles and single combs. They have yellow legs and feet. 

Rhode Island White Chickens are adaptable, truly all-purpose chickens. They do just fine in confinement as well as in free-range environments. They get along with other chickens. They are an overall great barnyard bird.

Production: Like their red counterparts, Rhode Island White Chickens are dependable and solid egg layers. One notable Rhode Island White Hen in Missouri has been recorded to have laid 306 eggs in one year. Typical egg laying numbers are 240 to 250 eggs per year. Eggs are brown. Rhode Island Whites are often recommended as winter-layers as they lay better than many other chickens during the short days of winter. They do not tend to go broody.

Rhode Island White Chickens were also bred as meat birds. They have deep, well-developed breast meat and mature quite early. The meat quality is considered excellent.

Temperament: The adaptability and easy going nature of the Rhode Island White makes these birds a solid choice for almost any farm or homestead. 

History: Rhode Island White Chickens were developed by efforts started in 1888 by Poultry farmer, John ALonzo Jocoy, in Peacedale, Rhode Island. His breeding program consisted of mixing rosecomb White Leghorns with Partridge Cochins and White Wyandottes. As the breeding developed, the birds took on more of the sturdy and brick-like shape of the Rhode Island Red and looked less and less like Leghorns or Wyandottes. The rosecomb Rhode Island White Chickens were admitted to the APA Standard of Perfection in 1922. Although the breed has always had a loyal following, it is still quite rare and has never reached the popularity of the Rhode Island Red. This is surprising because except for its white coloring this breed is just as productive and hardy. 

APA Class: American

Conservation Status: Watch

Body Type: Rhode Island White Chickens are shaped very similarly to Rhode Island Reds - they are sturdy and well-put-together with a longish-shaped, brick-like body. They have strong-looking heads with medium-sized wattles and a single combs. They do well in winter weather. 

Weight: Cockerel 7.5 lbs, Pullet 5.5 lbs