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Monday, May 21, 2018


Image result for chicken image thank you

The 2018 Chicken Season has been Awesome! Thank you all for buying your chicks from Woodville Ace Hardware this year. Please continue to read the blog, I do weekly postings through out the year.
This Thursday May 24th will be our last chick shipment for this year. We will pull the big brooder, clean it up and store it till next January. If you really want or need something we can try to special order it. This time of year most hatcheries shut down their main layer sales but some birds can be ordered.

We still have chicks in our brooder, so come get them while they last.
Red Cross (Red Sex-link)
Brown Leghorn (white egg layers)
Buff Brahma
Barred Rock
Black Giant

Thursday's shippment
Black Austalorpes
Buff Orphington
Golden Comets (Gold Sex-links)