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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Winter Fun, Prevent Chicken Boredom

10 Winter Boredom Busters for Chickens
Bored chickens are not happy chickens. Bored chickens tend to start pecking at each other and themselves, resulting in feather loss or worse.

Once a flock sees blood, it can whip the chickens into a frenzy and they will sometimes literally kill flock mates.... purely out of boredom and pecking order clashes.

Boredom can also lead to egg eating.  Read more HERE about that nasty habit.  I've never read anything to prove this next one, but I also think that boredom can result in more broodies being broody longer.

I mean, if there's nothing going on outside and no outdoor 'action' they feel left out of, why NOT just sit in a nesting  box all day long?

Don't let this happen to your girls. It is the chicken equivalent of human cabin fever. But it's not 'normal' behavior and is easily prevented with proper flock management.

I have never had issues with pecking between our hens, other than the occasional rap on the head that says 'hey, remember your place in the pecking order!'

Boredom is more prevalent in the winter when there aren't weeds and grass to munch on, bugs to eat, butterflies to chase or dirt to bathe in and sun themselves.

Boredom pecking is more likely to happen if your coop and run are too small and the chickens don't have adequate space, so don't be stingy, let those girls have as large a run as possible, and try not to keepthem confined to their coop except on the most frigid, blizzard-y days.

Of course treats help keep chickens occupied (read HERE for some creative treat ideas), but too many treats aren't good for them, so here are some non-food ideas for keeping your chickens busy during the long, cold winter months.
1.  Outside Roosts, Ladders, Perches and Swings

Perching actually is an 'official' chicken activity, listed in The Handbook of Official Chicken Activities (kidding, but you get the idea!).

Chickens LOVE to hop up on things and get a 'bird's eye' view. Especially when it's muddy or snowy, but really any time, a chicken will generally seek high ground if possible.

Outdoor roosts can keep them occupied, if not for hours, for at least a little while!

You can use boards, branches, ladders, any variety of things to create a multi-leveled chicken jungle gym of sorts. Or you can get really ambitious and make your girls a swing out of a log.

2.  Stumps to Stand On

Next time you cut a tree down or lose one in a storm, cut it into a few stumps of different lengths. Lined up along the run fencing, this is a favorite area for our chickens to stand and watch the world by by.

An added bonus, if you move the stumps periodically or turn them onto their other end, the chickens will have great fun finding the bugs the collect.        

3.  Piles of Leaves, Straw or Hay

Try putting a pile of leaves, pine needles or even just dirt (we call it worm dirt around here!) or a bale of straw or hay in the run and see how long it takes for it to be leveled.

Chickens HATE piles!  They will scratch and kick whatever you give them until the pile is no more.

Great fun for the afternoon!

4.  Hang a Mirror 

Have you ever tried putting a mirror in your coop or run (here's where I got mine)?

Chickens, being the preeners that they are, have a great time looking at themselves in the mirror.

Trust me on this one.

It's well worth a trip to Goodwill to pick up a cheap mirror. Just be sure it's well secured so it can't be knocked over as the girls shove each other aside to check themselves out.

(One note: if you have a rooster, you might want to pass on the mirror - most roosters wouldn't take kindly to another roo in their flock!   

5.  Anything New and Different

Don't have a mirror or any stumps? No worries. Just find SOMETHING new to put in the run.  A rake, a wooden box, anything.

The chickens will naturally come over to investigate.

6. Sheltered Dust Bath Area

Dust bathing is not only a great way for the chickens to spend an afternoon, but also a very important way that they keep parasites at bay.

If the chickens' regular bath area is covered in snow or mud, try setting up a bath in a sheltered area for them, even in a large tub or kiddie pool that you can put out for them on nice days.

7.  Supervised Free Range

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Even when there's snow on the ground and it's freezing cold out, wrap yourself up in your long johns, coat and mittens and head outside to supervise some free range time.

The chickens will appreciate being able to stretch their legs, as long as there are some bare patches on the ground where they don't have to walk in the dreaded white stuff!

Fresh air is good for you both! Just be super vigilant because predators are hungry and food sources are scarce this time of year.

8.  Enlarge your Run

Rethink your run area. Maybe you DON'T need that much lawn, maybe you COULD extend the fencing a bit more off to one side.

Give your chickens the largest area to roam that you possibly can so they have enough space to get away for some 'me' time once in awhile.

9.  Spend More Time With Them

Spending time with your chickens is so beneficial in so many ways for you both. Not only do I find it therapeutic, but it gives me time to give them all a good health checkup.

The more handing of them that you do, the easier it will be to catch and hold one when you NEED to due to illness or injury.

Also time spent with your chickens helps you understand the flock dynamic a bit better, identify any bullies (although with proper management bullies should never be a problem) and is just downright relaxing!

It's easy in the summer to spend time outdoors, but make it a point to bundle up and head to the coop for awhile each day all through the winter as well.

10.  Pony Rides

~photoshop magic courtesy Kate at Farmhouse38~
When all else fails, we resort to pony rides! The chickens and horses both enjoy getting out and getting a bit of exercise.

Okay, just kidding on the pony rides ! But kudos to Kate from Farmhouse38 and her photoshop magic for making this photo totally believable, right?

Okay, so how about ...

10.  Seed and Suet Treats or a Lettuce Pinata 

Homemade or commercial seed blocks or suet cakes cakes can help relieve winter boredom and also provide some extra nutrition and energy on cold days.

How about a Seed and Nut Wreath (pictured above)....

...or some Suet Cakes

Make a Flock Block Knockoff 

Hang treats in baskets for your chickens.

Winter crops such as kale, collards, cabbage and other leafy greens are often on sale through the winter and make a nutritious, fun treat.

We're counting down the days until spring...but at least we know that bored chickens aren't a problem here - where we work hard at keeping our chickens too busy to get bored !