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Monday, May 8, 2017


Welsummer Hen

Welsummer Rooster

The Welsummer is a relatively new breed to North American, though it was developed in its native Holland in the early twentieth century. The bird takes its name from the village of Wesum, where a farmer started crossing Barnvelders with native birds until he obtained a stable cross. The Welsummer is known to be one of the top free range forager of all layers. They lay a moderate number of terra-cotta to dark brown or deep reddish brown eggs. Hens mature early and sometimes go broody.
Roosters can weigh up to 7 pounds and hens around 6 pounds. Roosters have medium size combs with 5 serrated points, long well rounded waddles. Hens have a smaller comb with small round waddles, all bright red. Breeders produce several colors, but the most seen are golden brown or reddish brown. Both rooster and hen have a golden sometimes mixed with black on their neck and body.