Easter Time is Chick Time!
all over the country gear up for the two weeks just before Easter to provide
the best of chicks for customers. Our orders for the next two weeks are coming
from Privett Hatchery. Just arrived this morning, a new bunch of fat and healthy
Island Red, Barred Rock, White Rock, Black Australorp, Golden Comet, Golden
Wyandotte, Silver Wyandotte, Buff Brahma, Dark Brahma, and Dominique ($3.99), Assorted Bantam($3.99)
have some two week old Speckled Sussex and Partridge Rocks starting to get
their feathers. This means two weeks less in your brooder for those getting your outside coops ready. The spring weather is getting just right to put them outside.
Next week we will have another new delivery and Pekin Ducks. Come on in and see what's cherping in our coop. Happy Easter!