Nine Tips on Cleaning your Coop and Run
This weekend I got a call from a chicken customer that had moved her young chicks into a coop that had been the home for her healthy flock of adult chickens. The adults got a new home. Even though she had no problems before the move, several of her chicks became ill shortly after the move. The coop and run had not been cleaned before the move. It appears the only factor was that there may have been some bacteria or virus in the coop or run that made the chicks sick. I probably would have done the same thing. Making us aware how easy it is to spread diseases that we don't even know we have. Don't take the chance. I found this article on cleaning your coop and run that I wanted to share. Keep them clean and keep them healthy. Anice
“A place for everything and
everything in its place.” — Unknown
Does this sound familiar? It is a
quote that says that everything should have a place to be stored and when not
in use it should be returned to that place.
Are you a believer in this type of
cleanliness? Well, if so, then this is going to be a good read for you. If you
have chickens, then you’ll be curious to know how to clean their coop I’m sure.
Here is how you clean your chickens’
1. A Clean Place to Roost
My chickens like to roost just like
most other chickens. But the thing to remember is that a sleeping chicken is a
pooping chicken.
So it shouldn’t come as a huge
surprise to anyone that roosting bars get really nasty. And with that I’d like
to introduce you to my cleaning tool of a choice: a garden hoe.Yes, a garden hoe. It works wonders. I’m able to scrape everything clean and not have to get nasty in the process. I do this by simply running the garden hoe over the roosting bars repeatedly until I get all of the poop knocked loose and off of the roosting bar.
If necessary, you can spray the roosting bars down with a water hose. Depending upon how nasty they are, I will often take a sponge soaked in white vinegar and run them over the bars as well. This does help to sanitize and deter bugs.
2. A Clean Place to Lay
Do you recall how great it feels to
get into bed when you’ve put clean sheets on it? I love that feeling.
Well, so do your chickens. In fact,
if their nesting boxes aren’t clean it can actually deter them from laying.So if you want to up your egg production then be sure to clean your hens nesting boxes regularly. When doing this, again, I use my trusty garden hoe. I just pull out all of the bedding and scoop it onto the ground.
The great thing about this is it
doesn’t take very long at all. Then, I place fresh material back inside their
nesting boxes.
Now, you can use many different
materials. I usually use: shredded paper, hay, straw, or mulch. A lot of people
use cedar pine shavings and that is fine. I don’t because I like to use what I
have on hand.
After this, you’re ready to move on
to the next area of the coop.3. A Clean Place to Walk
How gross is it when the inside of
your home has a dirty floor? Believe me, I sweep my floors every day (some
times multiple times a day) but with 3 boys I always seem to have dirt in my
house waiting to swept again the next day.
Well, it is kind of the same with
your chicken coop. The difference is chickens poop everywhere. Literally!
So how you clean their floor will
depend upon your method. I use the deep litter method. This basically in tells me adding
more material to the coop floor so the waste can compost inside the coop.
Then I’ll come back a few times a
year and scoop it all out as great compost for my garden. If you use this
method, then you’ll need to let all of the waste you’ve scooped from the
roosting bars and nesting boxes remain in the floor of the coop.
Next, you’ll go over the coop floor
and level everything out. If there are bare spaces or particularly gross
spaces, then add some more litter to the floor of the coop.
Again, I use wood chips for this. My
chickens love it because they can scratch around, and I’m happy because it
makes my coop look and smell fresh.However, if you have a concrete floor or any other type of floor in your coop then you’ll need to clean it.
So begin by gathering all old material or waste that is on the floor and scoop it out. You can still use the material in your compost bin so you don’t waste anything.
Then you’ll need to either add more material back to the coop floor, or if you have a concrete (or other washable floor) then you’ll need to hose the floor down.
Once your floors are clean, you’re ready to move on to the final stages of coop maintenance.
4. Sprinkle Some Fairy Dust
I love diatomaceous earth. The stuff works wonders on a lot of
different things. It can be used to keep fleas off of your dog. A lot of people
in my area sprinkle it on their yard to kill ticks and other unwanted critters.
But you can also use it to help keep mites out of your
chicken coop and it is totally natural to boot. Which is why I sprinkle it
in the nesting boxes and on the coop floor. This way when my chickens dust themselves,
they are putting DE all over them and deterring pests from climbing on them.
Also, I worm my chickens with DE a
few times a year. Basically, when you begin to see poop on your eggs a lot,
then you know it is time to worm them.
So a lot of times when I am cleaning
out their coop, I will sprinkle DE inside their food as well. Then they eat it
and naturally worm themselves.
As you can tell, sprinkling DE is
something that has a ton of benefits, is very natural, and should be included
when cleaning out your coop because it helps keep everything and everyone
maintained and healthy.
5. A Clean Buffet
Have I mentioned that chickens poop
everywhere? I thought so.
Well, they do! That is why it’s
important to keep their food and water away from nesting bars or nesting boxes
because (you guessed it!) they’ll poop right in or on them.
So our feeder is hanging right in the
middle of the coop for this reason so they can’t possibly poop anywhere close
to on it.
Plus, their water system is right
next to it. I’m going to share a frugal tip about watering chickens. When we
first got chickens we invested in this fancy watering system because we thought
it would be the best for them.
Ummm…no. Chickens actually like to
gulp water instead of having to peck to get it out.
So after realizing this, we tossed
the fancy watering system and put a bucket in its place. It is a smaller bucket
so the chickens can drink from it, but they are so happy because they can
easily stick their head in it and guzzle water.
Now, if you have a smaller number of
chickens you can probably get away with one of the smaller poultry waterers. We
have enough chickens that we’d have to have multiple of those and to be honest,
I’m frugal and don’t really want to make that investment when a bucket works
just as well.
So whatever you use to feed and water
your chickens, you’ll need to clean them. Take them out of the coop and hose
them down. That way any dirt can be hosed off and then allow them to air dry.
This keeps everything clean and that way nothing gross can begin to grow inside
of them.
And ultimately, it is just one more
step to keep everyone healthy which is the ultimate goal.
Now, I will offer an added tip. When
I put the food and water containers back inside the coop and refill them, I
will some times add some ACV and garlic to their water. It supports their
immune system, and I especially do this during the winter months.
6. A Clean Place to Run
If your chickens aren’t free range
then they most likely have a run or a chicken yard of some sort. My chickens
are allowed to free range in our fenced backyard during the fall because they
help clean up our garden beds.
However, the rest of the year they
have to be put up because we grow a lot of items in garden beds inside our
fenced backyard. This means that they have a fenced off chicken yard so they
can still get out and peck in their own area.
Well, you can’t forget about these areas
when cleaning. So you’ll need to use a rake (or hoe) to level out the litter
material that covers these spaces. Add some more material if needed as well.
Basically, you just want to clean up
any mess that might be lying around. It isn’t a hard job. It just needs to be
maintained so not to become unsanitary.
Honestly, I don’t have to scoop this
area out but a few times a year when I need compost. However, if you don’t
practice the deep litter method, then you’ll need to empty it when cleaning for
sanitation purposes.
7. Give Your Chickens a Mani/Pedi
When cleaning your chicken, it is
also a good time to check on the health of your birds. Illnesses occur in chickens from time to time. Being proactive
can be the difference between life and death for your flock.
So when cleaning out the coop, try to
remember to check their feet for bumblefoot and look at the over health of each
bird. This way if one of them is breathing funny or has any other abnormality,
it shouldn’t go for very long without you noticing it.
As you can tell, this step is pretty
easy. It shouldn’t take you very long, but it could be the difference between
having a healthy productive flock or a sickly flock.
8. Mend the Broken Places
Coops need repair every now and then.
It is important to keep them well maintained for the safety of your flock.
So when you are cleaning, pay
attention if there are any damaged areas. If so, then fix it. Most repairs to a
chicken coop don’t take more than a few minutes (unless it is something major.)
One of the most common repairs I see
in our coop is that the chicken wire is becoming loose and beginning to sag. A
few whacks with a slap stapler and we are back in business.
So just keep an eye out for any
repairs that need to be made and try to make them as you are cleaning the coop
so you don’t forget about them.
9. How Often I Clean
Well, all of this advice is great and
all but how often should you actually do these steps? For me, I clean my birds
coop once a week and do in between cleanings every other day.
The reason is because my birds are
super picky. I guess I’ve spoiled them. We have plenty of roosting space but
for whatever reason, certain birds want to sleep in nesting boxes.
And do you remember how I mentioned
that a sleeping bird is a pooping bird? Well, you can imagine that my nesting
boxes get pretty gross.
So I clean them out almost daily.
Then I do my big over all clean every Monday morning. If I do it on a weekly
basis (and move quickly) it doesn’t take more than 15 minutes or so from start
to finish. Staying on top of things really saves you time in the long run.